Nova Portais helps beings in search of spiritual and energetic elevation, working as a channel for creating transformative experiences and facilitating techniques and experiences for expanding consciousness.

Through the experiences we offer, we intend to expand beyond Brazil, taking care, teaching, research and facilitating therapeutic and self-knowledge processes to different places in the world.
The purpose is to assist the internal transformation of each being who chooses to live a higher life by creating safe spaces for the expansion of consciousness and healing for all levels.
Our mission is to disseminate through the facilitation of quantum and multidimensional experiences and knowledge the expansion of consciousness and self-knowledge, with the purpose of elevating the collective from each individual.
We want to serve as a portal for the dissemination of tools, methods and teachings that provide individuals and the collective with the expansion of consciousness.
New Portals arose from the desire to help people in search of spiritual and energetic elevation. The founders, Fabrício, Daila and Gabriela, met in 2019 during a training course for instructors of the Thetahealing® technique, in Montana, in the United States.
The three, training lawyers, were looking for new portals that would lead them to the expansion of consciousness and bring more meaning to their own existence.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The trio's approach grew with time until they felt that together they would have a mission. When they really got together, they received the first instructions and the name NOVA for the work to come.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Through meditations, intuitive readings and multidimensional accesses, the name was confirmed and the brand was formed. The word portal always came in different forms. The first visualizations already showed energies from other dimensions, pyramids, triangles and the energy of Arcturians at work.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Before all this materialized, Fabrício was the creator and coordinator of The Healing Conference, an international meeting of ThetaHealing therapists that took place in Florianópolis, Brazil in March 2020. In this project he can feel how important holistic events are for strengthening techniques, further studies and integration of therapists. At that event, Fabrício could also see that he was willing to expand that idea, but he would need a bigger team for that.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Together, this trio is co-creating so that this multidimensional expansion is driving the elevation of our planet to the fifth dimension, and that one of the tools for this is NOVA PORTAIS.
Fabrício é facilitador de técnicas de expansão da consciência, Mestre no Sistema Multidimensional Arcturiano formado pelo Clarindo Melchizedek, Instrutor Master e Certificate of Science de ThetaHealing®, Terapeuta de Access Consciousness®, Terapeuta Multidimensional pela Associação Portuguesa de Terapia Multidimensional.