If you have ever lived or are in a loving relationship, you must have already felt the power it wields in our lives and how much it can transform us. Relating is a great opportunity for self-knowledge and also for spiritual evolution, it is a plunge into oneself and the other.
You and your Partner - ThetaHealing®, is a seminar created to work on the blocks that prevent us from living in harmony with our partners. You will understand how to develop, narrow and deepen your connection and love with your partner, as well as having the opportunity to clear limiting beliefs and blockages that prevent you from finding your journey partner.
The course aims to help you build solid foundations for an increasingly healthy, passionate, loving relationship, as well as helping you to free yourself from the patterns of self-sabotage that are preventing you from creating and narrowing the intimacy in your relationship.
The seminar is suitable both for those who are already in a relationship, and for those who are preparing for a healthy future relationship. It is a great opportunity to look at your relationships with maturity and clarity, going far beyond the fear of loving and being intimate with someone.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Public employee, graduated in law, mother of two and therapist. Her first Thetahealing®️ session was in 2017 with the therapist Junia Cascaes, in Brasília. A watershed in your life.
During the session, many beliefs worked on his position in the world, his parents, his marriage and motherhood. From that day on, it opened up even more to self-knowledge and the search for its essence. There he began to understand how he was reading the world through the lens of his family, his culture, and mainly because of his “mistakes” from the past.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Today, her job is to help willing people like her to change their reality through this very charming technique, offering both therapeutic sessions and training courses in Thetahealing®️.


Work on your fear of loving

Activate the Love Gene

Learning to read and work at Aura do Casal
Understand the roles of Male and Female in a relationship

October 5th, 6th and 7th
6:30 pm - 11:30 pm (GMT -3)
Digging deeper